Meet the Committee - Jon Chua

On this week’s Meet the Committee, we’re featuring Jon Chua – a familiar face in the local music scene, a quarter of one of the most successful bands in Singapore – The Sam Willows, and CEO of music agency, Zendyll Studio.

Read below to find out about Jon’s other obsession besides music:

I'm at my happiest when…
I’m watching the sunset

What you might not know about me is…
I love basketball

The best thing in my world is…
My PS5

If I weren't doing what I do, I'd…
Be playing my PS5

I can't stop listening to…
My mom’s nagging

I can't live without…
My mom’s nagging

The book I can't put down is…

The podcast I'm listening to is…
The More Better Podcast

There's nothing more annoying than…
The More Better Podcast

The last time I laughed uncontrollably was…
While listening to The More Better Podcast

The last thing I bought and loved was…
My PS5

The best lyric ever is…
‘It's me or the PS5…’ - I choose the PS5

I could really live without…
I think you know by now

An indulgence I'd never forego is…
Come on, it's obvious, isn’t it?

An object I'd never part with is…
P** A** FIVE

The person I'd most like to be connected with is…
Someone who is real

My most powerful collaboration was/is…
My wedding day

My role model is…

The place I can't wait to go back to is…
Los Angeles

The best question I've ever been asked is…
‘If you were not doing music, what would you do?'

My five dream dinner guests would be…
Barrack Obama, John Mayer, Michelle Obama, Dave Chapelle, Jay Park

My proudest discovery was…

In ten years' time, we will all be…

The world would be a better place if…
We are less selfish

[XXX] has no place on a pizza
Chewing Gum

[XXX] has no place on a cheeseboard
Potato Chips