Pocket Wellness: Basic Yoga Poses to Get You Started

For those who are new to yoga and would like to get started, we have put together a short yoga sequence you can try at home, curated by our Group Fitness Head of Programming, at Mandala Club, Alyssa Kau.

Here are the 4 beginner-friendly yoga poses for your practice:

  1. Downward Facing Dog

A full-body stretch that stimulates blood flow, improves your posture and enhances balance and flexibility throughout your entire body.

  • Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and ankles
  • Strengthens the arms and shoulders while carrying the entire body weight
  • Engages your core to building abdominal muscles

The blood flow to the head also helps to relieve any tension that could be causing headaches and brain fog.

2. Three-Legged Downward Dog

While this pose provides the same benefits as Downward Facing Dog, it also helps to open your hips and ribs while improving balance even more.

3. Low Lunge

The low lunge serves as both a warm-up to other yoga poses, and also as a cool down for post-workout, relieving any tension in the hips and legs area.

  • Stretches the hips, quads, and hamstrings.
  • Strengthens the hips, legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen, back, and knees.
  • Builds core awareness

This pose is also recommended for people who are suffering from sciatica as it also engages the core stabilizer muscles.

4. Tiger Curls

This is a transitional pose in a yoga sequence that tones the core and improves balance.

  • Heats up the body
  • Strengthens the arms, shoulders, and wrists
  • Engages the core

The Tiger Curl pose typically helps to boost energy in our body and aid with digestion as well.

Watch Alyssa's video to understand and connect the flow

For those who are keen to learn more, join Alyssa at The Gym for a Vinyasa Yoga class every Wednesday and Saturday at 9:00 AM.